Thursday, March 18, 2010

Security Information Agency

The Security Information Agency (Serbian: Безбедносно-информативна агенција / Bezbednosno-informativna agencija; БИА / BIA) is the intelligence agency of the Republic of Serbia that deals with bringing information (concerning organized crime, terrorism and many other areas) of security issue to Serbia, then analyzing and presenting it to state institutions for further action.

It was formed in 2002 and its headquarters is in Queen Anna Street in Belgrade, Serbia's capital. The predecessor of BIA was SDB, State Security Agency (Serbian: Служба државне безбедности / Služba državne bezbednosti), Serbia's intelligence agency up until 2002.

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, BIA is under the control of the National Assembly of Serbia and the Government of Serbia. BIA has to brief these two institutions about the state of security of the Republic of Serbia twice a year.

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